Our vet, Dr. Sue Pollen at the Vancouver Animal wellness hospital (amazing btw) kept telling us how much better raw was but I thought it would be too expensive, too much work, too hard, blah, blah ,blah.
We were also having issues with Gus' anal glands, if you have a dog you'll know what I'm talking about -yuck!
Finally after having no luck getting rid of the eye gunk and feeling pretty desperate to curb the anal glad situation, I did some more research and made the switch!
Well 2 1/2 weeks in - no more eye gunk AND I haven't smelled the anal glands at all! AMAZING!
Another bonus is that he teeth are sparkling white, whiter then they have ever been!
Also for the first time Gus seems to REALLY enjoy what he's eating! He gets excited for dinner and dances and hops around!
We haven't committed to any one brand of food yet, so far we have tried Red Dog Blue Kat, Mountain Dog, natural instinct and Club Canine. I don't know if we will end up sticking to one brand or just keep alternating between them, I guess we'll just see how it goes!
One things for sure we wont be going back to processed kibbles!!